1. The new Strokes album is sort of a toss-up for me. Is it good? Yeah. Hell yeah. It's just like all their old stuff. What's wrong with it? It's just like all their old stuff. I'm sure I'm not entirely alone on this, but I guess I just sort of hoped after a 5-year hiatus they would deliver something, uh...new? Jeez, I just sound mean. Forget it. Enjoy this song.
2. I finally got my new stereo installed in my car! Now I can listen to CD's again (and even my iPod without one of those horrible radio transmitters) and not worry about anyone stealing the unopened stereo that sat in the back of my Jeep since January.
3. Speaking of my History of Rock and Roll class... We're just now beginning to start on the 70's (because the class is, in truth, the history of popular music in the 20th century and how fucked up the music industry behind it was/still is???), so we spent a good deal of time covering all the British Invasion and psychedelia music, but we specifically spent a good deal of time on the Beatles. No big deal, well...it was, but you know what I mean...all I was going to say is that my favorite "fun fact" I learned through all of it is that, for the cover of Sgt. Pepper's all of the band members had to submit people they wanted for the cover. The only two people that John Lennon submitted didn't make it on the album cover. Why? Because he submitted Hitler and Jesus. Yeah.
4. And finally, a Jim Carrey (circa "Liar Liar") gif that sums up how I interact with most people on a daily basis...

lol, that gif is my life, too.