Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Stir Crazy
Thursday, May 5, 2011
I Need To Get Out Of Louisville
Monday, May 2, 2011
Obama Is Such A BAMF

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Good Morning
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
I'll Have So Much To Tell You About It
Fleet Foxes - Grown Ocean from Fleet Foxes on Vimeo.
I know someday the smoke will all burn off
All these voices I'll someday have turned off
I will see you someday when I've woken
I'll be so happy just to have spoken
I'll have so much to tell you about it
Friday, April 15, 2011
Gone Too Soon

Monday, April 4, 2011
Story for a Rainy Day...
Today was a little rough for wear on me. I normally get to sleep in on Mondays, but in lieu of this I had to get up early and meet some classmates at campus to work on a project. I won't delve into details, other than mentioning two things:
1. It's a craft project (meaning, it's a waste of time for anyone over about the age of 13)...but maybe I'm biased in being frustrated over this aspect of it because I'm an artist. I already don't like working in groups (see #2), but when I have to do a project that involves creativity of any may as well just put a gun to my head. It's the same thing...every one else will suggest any ideas, especially nothing sensible, cohesive, or entertaining, and anytime I make a suggestion I may as well have just said it to the wall, cause that's the reaction I get.
2. I HATE WORKING IN GROUPS. Ahhhhh. I'm sorry. I do. Especially when it's a group you don't choose... Nothing is worse.
Anyway. Momentarily shoving aside my anger over this ridiculous project, I'll go on to say that today was really strange. I set my alarm for 9am, but found myself awake around 7:30am anyway. I took my time enjoying the morning, preparing for the day, whatever else. I left the house and stepped out into that last lingering bit of beautiful weather that was blowing away with the storm pushing in. There was even a strange peace with going to a Hobby Lobby at a 10:00am on a Monday. Just me and a bunch of scrapbooking, crafty moms, shuffling through aisles with that odd Christian hymnal elevator music in the background. It was strangely nice. All of it.
I got to school, worked on that project for THREE HOURS, then got to walk around with it in down-pouring rain between class. The thick presentation board was almost soaked through and was starting to bend by the time I headed to my car to go home. At this point, I decided to skip my afternoon class, already affected by the weird haze of the day. So as I walked to my car, rain still pouring everywhere, I found myself soaked to the core along with my (basically) all-paper poster board project. And as much as it sucked to think of that project getting ruined...or knowing that I look and feel like I just took a shower fully dressed from the rain...I started laughing. I had one of those insane beautiful moments where I kept wanting to break out laughing while I walked alone, but I knew I looked crazy so I kept trying to stifle it and just enjoy the feeling. And finally, as I approached the awning to the parking garage stairwell (my safe haven goal from the rain), I saw a man coming down the stairs, fighting with an umbrella as he approached the open sky. It was a fight he lost, as the umbrella immediately protested by blowing backgrounds with the first gust of wind, being more problematic than useful. The guy began shaking the umbrella and yelling loudly, "Fuck this fucking shit! Fucking monsoon!" And that was all it took. I busted out in raucous, almost uncontrollable laughter, only managing to calm myself for the two seconds it took to pass him on the stairwell.
It might not sound like much, but it was a nice feeling...the entire day felt great in such an unfamiliar way. I feel like I don't get too many days like this, so when they come along it's an incredible feeling...and I wanted to share that.
Plus, I mean...that umbrella guy story is funny...
I'll leave you with photos (because I know people only peruse through blogs to look at photos 9 times out of 10) from Twin Peaks since I am currently a slave to David Lynch's universe. You can expect a post all about it here in a few days. For now, though, pictures [spoilers...sort of]:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A Cooking Adventure!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011
Did I Mention...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
"It's such a fine line between stupid and clever."
Well, I promise I'll start posting shit that is more succinct and compact soon. Until then, hopefully you took something away from this mess of a post. Also, enjoy that pointless music video (which I hadn't seen until I just posted it and good lord, it almost ruined the song for me it was so that mean? I still love the song!). I'm heading to Eastern KY for part deux of spring break, so wish me luck. It should be a rip-roaring, grand ole time! Not really. Well, maybe. We'll see.

Thursday, March 10, 2011
School is for Fools?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Well, here I be.